Yesterday we took our 13 pound bundle of energy to the pumpkin patch and got some great pictures which I had to share with you all. I have been reminded lately (I think it is the time of year which takes me back) of how far God has brought Ella and our family.
Aaron had to get a new cell phone, because Ella chewed on his old one and it died, and he sent me some pictures to save that he had taken the first two days Ella was in the NICU. She was so tiny and sick and now she is crawling all over the house getting into everything she can get her hands on...thank you God for bringing us this far.
I have also been thinking about my time in the hospital after she was born because I will be there again in a couple of weeks with little brother, and I have been thinking about how different the experience will be for everyone. Having two kids in the house is going to be lots of work, but having healthy children is priceless. My doctor has been bragging on me because I am following all of her recommendations and don't complain when I have to see her twice a week. I told her I would rather see her every day than spend 5 months in the NICU beside my child's bed.
Thank you Jesus for a healthy family.