Our big girl is now 7 pounds 12 ounces...Aaron lost the bet, : ) he was hoping for 10 pounds (we are close!). Ella has a lot of personality now and every day we see more smiles and hear her stories...she loves to talk, but if you know me then you understand the apple didn't fall far from the tree...hahaha. The pics are just an example of her personality...first piano lesson with gram, and falling asleep with her penquin under her arm.
We are looking forward to taking her out into the world and meeting all the people who have held her up in prayer the past 7 months. September 17th (Ella's birthday) seems so long ago, when you look at how far she has come in that time.
Our prayers and thoughts go out to the Capers family who lost their dear mom & wife, Gayla. She was a follower of our blog and left many uplifting, encouraging words during our time at the NICU. She was an amazing woman who will be missed. Love to all the family from Ella, Christy, and Aaron