Aaron has started reading to Ella and she loves it, but at this point it's all about the tone of voice and not the content, as you can see from the engineering magazine. (we're starting her early...hehehe)
Everything is great, our big girl is growing (don't have an updated weight because we haven't seen the doc since the last time - which is a good thing) and showing off her personality. Our goal for the last two weeks is to get her to take naps in her bed instead of someone's arms because unfortunately, the NICU creates some bad habits. When it got to the point in the hospital where we could hold her whenever we wanted we just held her all the time and now we are retraining. I am not complaining because she is healthy and home, so all the other stuff is just that stuff and will be taken care of in time.
Our time in the NICU is starting to become a memory instead of thoughts fresh in my mind and I have to make an effort to remember all the things that happen while we were there. I admit that I didn't think this day would come when the NICU days would fade.
Ella seems to be adjusting well to being at home, but I am looking forward to taking her out and about. We are still keeping her housebound just to be on the safe side because of flu and RSV season. Once school is over and it is warmer outside we plan on carting her around and showing her the world, but until then she is still our little girl in a house bubble. : )
1 comment:
It is so awesome to see her growing in these pictures! Her face just looks so aware of everything that's going on. So cute! I understand the housebound thing. I think it is a really good idea. It seems like EVERYONE's kids are sick here in Jacksonville! We have been sick for almost three weeks now. Gisele had a bad virus and it has taken her breathing treatments and antibiotics to start getting better. She is 8 months old now. So don't rush it! Even with all our handwashing the boys still manage to bring the germs home. Your sweet girl is so darling! I can't wait to see her Easter dress! This is the first Easter I get to buy a Easter dress too! It's alot more fun dressing a girl than boys! Have a super weekend!
Emily and Gil
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