Our newest bundle of joy has arrived and big sister is very happy about it. Ella thinks that A.J. (Aaron Craig Jeson II) is the greatest thing ever and takes every opportunity to touch him and be close to him. Little brother was 6 pounds 7 ounces when he was born on November 12th and now weighs 7 pounds 10 ounces, soon he will be little big brother. : )
Life in the Jeson house is a little crazy now and sleep is something that I remember fondly but don't get much of but this season will pass. Here is our princess Ella preparing for cold weather and all the cousins together at thanksgiving. The picture shows how big our boy and girl are getting. : )
Hello to the Jesons. I took care of Ella only once while you were here, but I do follow her through your blog. You are so blessed and lucky to have beautiful children. May your lives be full of just as much joy as I still have with mine who this year turned 23 and 20. God bless you all and Congratulations on A.J.
Hello Jeson family--Merry Christmas and I must say you are truly blessed. May you always walk in the favor and grace of our Lord Jesus. Have a prosperous New Year.
Love ya,
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