Friday, February 20, 2009

Regular baby

Now that the infection is cleared up and all the antibiotics are done our girl is starting to act like a regular baby...small, but regular. She has decided that it is ok to sleep at night, and her parents are thrilled : ) Also, her sugar levels have started to rise which is a great first it scared me because that is what happened when she had an infection, but our pediatrician(whom we think is just the greatest) did a blood test and it came back great so now we are wondering if her body is repairing itself. (prayer has a way of changing things) The blood test that was done when we left the hospital came back this week and her glucose storage came back normal, so we are back to the drawing board as to the cause. We should be going back to San Antonio soon to see her specialists, and perhaps then they will have another option for us.

I have gone back to teaching and it's great. My students seemed pleased to see me and I am pleased to be back to my life...I do miss the little girl when I am at school, but I only have 3 classes so I'm not gone very long. My mom is an angel and comes to the house every day and watches the babe, and we can't thank her enough...Ella thinks she is great already. We are house bound to a certain extent because of the baby girls immune system, but we are HOME and that is what matters.

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