Wednesday, February 11, 2009


This post starts with upsetting news and ends on a happy note...the upsetting part is that the IV blew again yesterday, and after many tries(where Ella sobbed) they finally got another one started. This morning, the new IV had to be removed because it wasn't working any more. I thought that this would be the beginning of Ella having to endure the many needle sticks that accompanied the last try, but our pediatrician gave us the good news for today. He said that if they were not able to get the IV started with only 1 or 2 tries then he would put her on oral antibiotics, moniter her today, and then send her home...hopefully tomorrow...(this makes me want to sing just like little orphan Annie). She has had one dose of the oral antibiotics and is doing well, so pray that they don't cause any adverse reactions.

Our little princess is eating much better and is even sleeping in her bed...only about one and a half hours, but that is better than nothing. Also, pray for Aaron because he is feeling a little under the weather and had to go back to work nights, which isn't helping his immune system. This stay in the hospital has solidified the fact that germs are the enemy in the Jeson house, but it is hard to keep your immune system working properly when sleep is none existant.

Thank you again to everyone that is praying for our baby girl...we are coming home Jesus name!!


Mary Thomas said...

Christy, I know as a mom your heart must be wrenching as they poke your little sweetie. You are strong, in the Lord. I believe the oral antibiotics will work and you both will be coming home soon. Let me know if I can help out in any way...

Chris and Amy Royael said...

Oh so glad the oral antibiotics are working well. We've been praying all week for the medicine to do its job w/no side effects. Praying you feel God's strength, supernatural rest and health for all 3 of you. I know its different w/Ella since she has been in the NICU, but some babies do well w/white noise machines or a floor fan on in the room. Maybe you can google the white noise thing. I think Kate Gosselin used them with her babies.

Anonymous said...

We are praying for Ella to get healthier each day. Sleep deprivation can be a powerful thing but we are praying God will give you all His strength and grace during this time. Coming home soon....we are praying and believing that to be true!

As a side note, we do use the Homedics sound machine for our youngest which he really likes and there is even a heartbeat setting. Ours seems to like the rainfall or ocean setting. We really like it.