Our big girl is now a whopping 5 pounds 10 ounces and doing great. We had a scare last week because her blood sugar was high (in the 90's and 100's but is normal for everyone else), and the last time this happened it was because she had an infection. After a blood test ruled out infection we realized that her body was starting to regulate itself and a visit to the endocrinologist gave good news. He lowered the amount of cornstarch that we give her and if this continues then we will remove it all together. The DNA test that we were waiting for to confirm that her blood sugar problem was the glucose storage in her body came back normal so now they are thinking that it was due to her pancreas being soooo small and her body not making enough glucose, but now she is bigger and able to produce more. Of course, prayer and miracles helped as well.
Right now we are dealing with a touch of bronchitis that the doctor noticed in a visit because she wasn't eating as well as she should. Any mom can tell you that their baby acts a certain way and when they act differently it sends red flags and with Ella I have to watch carefully so we don't end up back in the hospital. She is on breathing treatments now and is back to her regular eating habits...which is very good.
I am sooo ready to be able to take her off all the meds that she is on because I believe that they are affecting her sleeping and that she will thrive even more when I don't have to dose her with 4 or 5 meds. Overall, the Jeson's are adjusting to life at home, but our princess needs extra attention so we don't get much done and since our priority is her then it all works out in the end.