Ella's due date was originally Christmas Day and on the 25th, I was filled with wishful thinking about what it would be like if she was born that day instead of in September, but I realized I can't look back at what might have been. I have had the priviledge of getting to know Ella in a way that I couldn't had I not been standing by her bedside for the last 14 weeks, I can talk to her and it calms her down because she knows my voice since she hears it everyday. I also know exactly how to calm her down and I know what makes her mad and in this way I am blessed that I have had the chance in get to know her in her new womb.
Our big girl is now 3 pounds 7 ounces (1550 grams) and is eating from a bottle every other feeding. The projection is that we will get to take her home in a month (which is now 3 more weeks) and we are busy getting everything ready at the house. I have to admit that I am getting excited about the prospect of going home with our princess and getting back to our life. I have learned so much about myself, Aaron, and Ella since I have been in SA and now I am ready to start the new chapter in our lives....
Pray for Ella's liver, lungs(they are still sick even though she is off the oxygen), feedings to go well(this will determine when we go home), and glucose levels(she will be taken off the sugar in her IV fluids and needs to hold her own).