Ella is now 3 pounds!! Yeah!! Today our little princess looked soo beautiful and healthy and it was the fantastic thing that I had been hoping for. She is really starting to fill out and is acting like a big girl. When we worked with her on bottle feeding she drank the whole thing. (now she just needs to do that for every feeding but it's a start) Everyone that came by our corner of the NICU couldn't get over how far she has come but we know that God has his hand on her and isn't letting go. Here is a picture of her when the therapist was working with her bottle feeding. (I put a shirt on her today since she is a big girl now.)
Pray for her to continue growing, more bottle feedings, and overall health.
Just wanted to let you know we are still praying... :)
So cute. She is looking right at the camera as if to say "Mom, what are you doing?"
YEAH! What a glorious day! She is so precious!
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