Monday, December 8, 2008

More please

They have increased Ella's feedings to 6.5ml and so far she is doing well. The reason the feeds have not been increased more is to find the balance between the iv nutrition and the feeds so she can grow...grow...grow. They did a hydascan on her liver today and she was not a happy camper about it because she had to lay there for an hour or so. There will be a follow-up scan tomorrow that will take about 10 minutes or so and we should get the results in a few days. She also had an eye exam and the eye doctor said everything looked good and doesn't need to see her for another two weeks(which is a good sign).

Today was a very busy day for our little girl and she is sleeping like a log after her field trip for the scan. Pray for a good report from the scan, her bowels to continue to clear, and her lungs to get stronger.

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