The day that we have been looking forward to has finally arrived, Ella was released from the hospital. She weighs 4 pounds 10 ounces and is doing great. They took the broviac IV out Monday morning and also took blood to test for the glucose storage problem and then they sent us home. It was a very exciting day, but also made me a little nervous at the same time. She is doing well, but we have to test her blood sugar every six hours and still add cornstarch to her milk to help keep her blood sugar levels up.
Hospital policy says that every patient discharged from the hospital must be taken out to their car in a wheelchair. Since the babies can't sit in the wheelchair by themselves, then the mothers carry them while they are wheeled out. Here are a few pics of us leaving the hospital.
The first night home from the hospital, Aaron and I didn't get any sleep because our little girl didn't like being in a new place and wouldn't sleep in her bed. Every day gets a little better and since we now make sure there are noises and lights, like she had in the hospital, she is adjusting better. I see a few months of sleep deprivation in my future, but strange as it sounds, I'm excited about it. God has brought Ella such a long way in 5 months and the rest of her life will just get better.
I have much more that I could write about our time in San Antonio and what I have learned about God's provision, but I'll save it for next time. I am going to continue updating the blog with pictures of Ella and notes about her progress, so stay tuned for the exciting days to come.
Praise the Lord! You made it home!
Hurray! We are so, so happy for you!!! I can't wait to see all of the amazing things that God is going to do through Ella!
Oh, Christie, I am SO happy for your whole family. This is such great news. You'll all still be in my prayers. What a lovely day!
How fun!!! Ella is beautiful, you are beautiful, and ya'll are an amazing family with God's favor and blessing on your lives! Praise God for the victories thus far and the many more to come as Ella has proven to have the drive and determination of her parents to go after life with all that she's got! What a fighter and what a strong woman of God she will become! I'm so excited to finally get the opportunity to watch her grow here at home and see how God uses her anointed life! We look forward to seeing you soon! We miss you and we love you!
Casey & Marty
Christy - I am so happy for you! I have been following your blog and rooting for little Ella. Such wonderful news!
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