Ella's blood sugars have continued to be stable and she did gain weight last night, but we need her to gain more. Pray that the sugars continue to be stable and she gains weight. Also, we need favor with the surgeon so the braviac can be removed early on Monday and then we can head south....YES!!
Here are a couple of smiley pictures of the big girl...sorry the photography isn't the best but I was holding her and taking her pic at the same time : )
woo hoo....we are so excited for you all. the girls are so excited, they want to have a homecoming party for Ella!!!
Yea for Peanut--those blood sugars will continue to be stable in the name of Jesus!! I agree with you for much favor--there will be no stumbling blocks--the way has been prepared already--walk in the wisdom and favor of God. It's time for the crooked path to be made straight and we serve a mighty God who can do just that. He has already prepared the way--don't get anxious--rest in His peace and presence. See you all SOON!!!
Awwww!! She is one precious doll!! I want to kiss her!! Continue to be strong for eachother. I am so excited for you all!! love, deanna
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