Sunday, September 28, 2008

Another Surgery

This evening Ella had some levels in her latest blood test that showed some elevated acid levels which are caused by her hand. (her fingertips are black which leads them to believe they are dying) Because they needed to give her some additional medicine that needed to start another IV line. The pediatric surgeon will be putting a line in her neck that should replace the one in her arm that caused the problem in her hand.

Understandably Aaron and I are nervous about any IV line they put in since her hand is still discolored and a strong reminder of the last IV. Continue to pray for her hand that she will not lose the tips of her fingers, that the surgery is successful and causes no side effects, and that she will begin to digest the milk again(this is another reason she needs another IV).


Casey Preslar Urwin said...

Although family and friends are not there physically with you and Aaron, they're there spiritually, like a massive crowd of angels, surrounding Ella and speaking the Word of God over her and and praying without ceasing. God is in control! We are all standing in the gap as a body of believers, and we anticipate God's miraculous power to be at work through it all! EVERYTHING Ella needs is in God's hands! And since she's in His hands, everything will be restored in Jesus Name! I pray the blood of Jesus to flood and cleanse her body right now from the top of her head to the tip of her toes and fingertips in the Name of Jesus! I also pray for the peace of God that surpasses all understanding to flood your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus! Amen! We love you!

Deanna said...

God is still on the Throne! He hasn't nor will he take a break. He knows Ella and loves her dearly. She belongs to Him, and He takes care of His own! I love you all.

John & Linda Lopez said...

Christy, congratulations on your beautiful little girl! You have managed to do something my kids haven't (at least not yet) - give your mother a granddaughter! Remember in all the ups and downs, God didn't bring you (or Ella) this far to turn back now. Hmm - sounds like that would make a good song, don't you think? Don't forget how loved you are by your friends & family, but most of all by God, who loves you so much more than all the rest of us put together! Our prayers are with you.
John & Linda