Saturday, September 27, 2008

Right Hand

Ella's hand is doing better today but it is still not at 100%. The doctors are watching her to make sure she is getting a pulse in the fingers and wrist since her fingertips and thumb are still white. Continue to prayer for her hand that she will have full use of it.

Otherwise she is doing great, they have lowered her respirator settings and are talking about taking her off of it tomorrow. She is doing so well in every other way that I am not about to lose my joy.


Ellen said...

Christy - Tori keeps me posted on baby Ella and I logged on to check in. We are keeping you all in our prayers and can't wait until we meet your little miracle. God Bless you all!

Ellen Sauseda

Unknown said...

So glad she's doing well. We continue to pray for Ella, you & Aaron!