Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mountains and Valleys

Today while Aaron and I were at lunch here at the hospital we saw a group of pregnant women and their husbands come into the cafeteria after a tour of the hospital. Aaron commented that the women were ready to pop and I have to admit that I suddenly had the need to stare at my food. There are moments during the day when I think that it is unfair that I am not pregnant any more and instead Ella is in a new womb.

Since Ella's hand is still not doing what it is supposed to I feel the pain of not carrying her in my womb. The things that her body would be doing in the womb are much less invasive than having her hooked up to these machines. I read in Mark today about when Jesus healed the man with the shriveled hand(it was the right hand like Ella) and pictured Him standing next to Ella's bed asking her to stretch it out and seeing it healed. Jesus wanted the children next to him and today is no different.

Our miracle girl is going to have an amazing testimony when she comes home. Thank you to everyone that leaves us comments and lets us know that they are walking this path with us.

1 comment:

Karon said...

I'm just sending you a Great Big HUG!
I know it's tough. Ella is getting every thing she needs from her precious mother. We continue to pray for each of you daily. Thank you for the updates. It helps us to know better how to pray. It's amazing to be able to witness God knitting her together right before your eyes. I love you.
Aunt Karon