On Wednesday, Ella had a test to try and find out what is making her blood sugar fluxtuate and she had a bad reaction to the medicine that was used. Her oxygen level went way down (so much that we had to keep the oxygen mask over her face), she got fever, and was overall sick. I have to admit to being very scared, I haven't felt this scared since September when Ella first came to the hospital. Our big girl has soo much personality now that she didn't seem herself and that is what made me scared. By 3 o'clock she wanted to eat and when we gave her a small amount of milk, she wasn't satisfied until she got it all. At this point, we knew that she was doing much better.
She was on the oxygen the next day and by today she is breathing on her own again. In fact, our big girl is now in a crib AND taking all her feedings from a bottle.
However, we need your prayers for the sugar issue. All the tests that they have given Ella have all come back normal but she is still having fluxtuating blood sugars. Because of the blood sugar they can't remove the broviac or send us home. I'm believing for a miracle because our little girl needs one...she has come sooo far and will still have to conquer things in her life. Thank you for praying for our girl, that was the thought in my mind on Wednesday, I knew that all of your guys were lifting her up in prayer.