Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cornstarch revisited

They have started Ella on cornstarch again (if you are a follower of the blog then you remember the cornstarch issue in Dec) to help regulate her blood sugars. Last time they had Ella on cornstarch her tummy couldn't handle it, but this time she is 4 poounds instead of two and also taking all her feeds from a bottle so she is regulating how much she takes. Pray, pray, pray that this clears up the blood sugars because everyone is ready(I'm sure even you guys) for this issue to be finished. Also, pray for her tummy, that she is able to handle the cornstarch along with the extra calories that she needs because she has been losing weight without the extra help.

We are soooo ready to have this problem resolved so we can go home, but we also want our girl to be well! God has an amazing plan for Ella and if we stop and look back, we can see how she has changed lives already - I will be the first in line to say I am changed for the better. I have been preaching to myself lately that the end is near, but I don't need to forget everything God has done for us, and remember that He didn't forget where we are...He knows our circumstances even if we are far from home.

1 comment:

Emily and Gil said...

Hey! How are you doing? I know you are so ready to go home with the baby, but you have been patient this long, HANG IN THERE!!!! This will all be a distant memory soon and you will be home with your little one. More than anything, you need her to be stable because the doctors there who have been taking care of her since she was born KNOW what to do with her if she has a problem. In Victoria, they won't have that history. I know you know this! We are praying for you to feel peace that God knows the timing and wants the best for your whole family. He does care about every little thing so have FAITH that he IS listening and watching over you all. God Bless!