Ella is doing great and now weighs 3 pounds 12 ounces (1690 grams). Today, they lowered the glucose in her IV fluids and her blood sugar was good, so as long as her sugar level stays good tonight they should take out the glucose in the fluids which means we can take the broviac out this week....YIPEE!! We turned off the heat in her bed today and just put her in her pj's and blankets and she held her temp well...today was a red letter day for our super girl. If she continues to hold her temp tonight then she may get to move to a big girl crib tomorrow....YES!! These are all signs that we get to go home soon. She is doing good on her bottle feeding but still has a little way to go.
Here is a picture of the big girl wrapped up in blankets snoozing and I'm sure she's dreaming about hanging out in her new nursery. : )
Pray for weight gain, temperature levels, blood sugar levels, and continued good health.
She is BEAUTIFUL!!!! I finally found the blog. We are keeping you in prayer & believing that your days in SA are few & she will be @ FFC real soon!!
Kyle & Lori Clark
Praise God!!! Oh, Christy, you must be so, so, so thrilled about all of these milestones! I'm so happy I have little tears! We are praying that she gets to go home with you guys so soon... that is going to be SUCH an amazing day!!! Woo hoo!
YEAH!! She is so cute and she is filling out, Christy...she is going to be little chubby Ella before we know it! :)
Hey Christy! She is getting big! I love to see her in those cute PJ's with the bright blankets! So cheerful and sweet! We saw your new house when we went to Texas for the holidays. I love it! The nursery is so cute! Considering you have had such little time to work on it, you have done alot! You need a picture of that moment when your Baby Ella is finally able to go through that door to her new house! How sweet! You are so blessed! Talk to you soon
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