Thursday, January 15, 2009

4 Pounds

Ella is now 4 pounds 1 ounce (1843 grams). Yipee!!! Our girl is getting bigger and I have to admit it could happen a little faster for my comfort. I am sick of San Antonio and not living my life. Ella's blood sugar is still fluxtuating and the last test they did should be ready tomorrow, and I am praying like I have never prayed before, that it gives them some information they can use. We have gotten all of the things done that we have to do before they will discharge her, because I wanted to make sure that when they are ready we can be out the door.

Pray for Ella's blood sugar levels and the test that we find out about tomorrow. Also, pray for her to continue to eat lots of milk, hold her temperature, and GO HOME!!

1 comment:

Mary Thomas said...

We miss you too. I miss hearing you sing at church, and all the kids miss you at school. It won;t be long now, I can feel it!!!