Ella is still 2 pounds 6 ounces but gained 10 grams so she is 1080 grams. Her glucose levels continue to fluctuate but they are managing it well. Overall she is doing good but just needs to grow, grow, grow!!!
Here is a picture of Ella chillin' in her bed with the giant pacifier that she uses to get used to the size of the bottle's nipple. Also, you will see that her hand is gone on the right arm but is healing very well and looks good. Sometimes I see it and think about the future and what it will hold for her...will it be difficult when she goes to school, or will she be as confident as I hope in my heart. All of the nurses that pass through our corner of the NICU always comment about how much personality Ella has despite her small size and this gives me comfort. I know God has given her talents and gifts that will sustain her through the difficulties that will arise from missing her hand and my daily prayer for her is that she continues to shine her light and touch others just like she does now from the NICU(via the internet :)