They started Ella's food again last night and increased it today at 9:00am and then again at 6:00pm. So far she has only had residuals (food left in her tummy) once and that was probably because she was laying on her back and they don't digest well that way. We are praying that she continues to tolerate her feedings and her bowels do not swell again. This has set her release date back even further but hopefully she is back to moving forward.
I have to admit that when they stopped her feedings on Friday I was ready to raise my fist in the air and yell at God because this little girl has been through more in her short life than I have in my long one. Watching her cry and toss around because she was hungry and all the while I couldn't do anything about it broke my heart. However, this morning I had a revelation. I went to a church here in San Antonio and they had communion at the end of the service and it made me cry. Is what I'm feeling about Ella even close to the feelings that God felt as he allowed His son to die? Don't misunderstand how I am feeling, I am not at all glad that she is going through this set back but I now see more clearly that if God was willing to go through the pain of giving up His son for us then wouldn't He also be watching out for Ella. She is a child of God just like all of us and He knows her every tear.
Pray for Ella's digestion and that the bowels will not be swollen anymore. Also, pray for her lungs to mature.
Keep the Faith- in Jeremiah 29:11 it syas " I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." We ahve to trust that God has a plan and it is a good plan! A plan to Prosper- Even in the dark days, we need to stay strong and remember that God has a plan. Stay strong and as you walk the walls in the hospital know that God is still God and in control. We pray that Ella continue to get strong and God will heal her body.
Oh Darlin' Christy, Aaron, sweet Supergirl/Miss Independant/Ella~Life is grand If we don't weaken! Continue to draw your strength from our Heavenly Father, and of course from eachother. Hug yourselves for me, and remember....God is still on The Throne,knows all, sees all, and loves you!! I also love you!! To see her eyes! Wow!
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