Today is October 31st and here at the hospital they made a cute little sign on Ella's bed with her footprints on it. : ) She lost 10 grams and is at 680 today but we are looking at 700 really soon...that's my prayer anyway. She is still the same on her oxygen so continue to pray for her lungs. When she is off the oxygen my heart will be much relieved. Overall, it is a good day and we are believing for a good Jesus name no infection, strong lungs, and great digestion amen!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Trick or treat smell my feet
Today is October 31st and here at the hospital they made a cute little sign on Ella's bed with her footprints on it. : ) She lost 10 grams and is at 680 today but we are looking at 700 really soon...that's my prayer anyway. She is still the same on her oxygen so continue to pray for her lungs. When she is off the oxygen my heart will be much relieved. Overall, it is a good day and we are believing for a good Jesus name no infection, strong lungs, and great digestion amen!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Miss Independent
I have nicknamed Ella Miss Independent because our goal as she grows up is to raise her to not let her birth and first 4 months of life hold her back in any way. In fact, we know she will use the miracles of her life to touch others just as she is doing while she is in the hospital. She thinks that she is the only baby in the hospital because she wants all the attention.
They raised her feeding from 12ml to 17 and half ml...isn't that awesome...and she is eating all of it there is nothing coming back. YES! We expect our little girl to get bigger everyday. Today she is still at 1 pound 8 ounces but has gained 20 grams...690. We should be past 700 by the weekend. Pray for her lungs to get stronger, her digestive system to get stronger, and infection to stay away.
They raised her feeding from 12ml to 17 and half ml...isn't that awesome...and she is eating all of it there is nothing coming back. YES! We expect our little girl to get bigger everyday. Today she is still at 1 pound 8 ounces but has gained 20 grams...690. We should be past 700 by the weekend. Pray for her lungs to get stronger, her digestive system to get stronger, and infection to stay away.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Still truckin'
Our girl Ella is still truckin' along. She is at 1 pound 7 ounces, which is good because she jumped up so fast to 1 pound 8 ounces that we suspected it was water weight, and we want good calories. They have started her on medicine for her lungs which should clear the fluid so they will get stronger. She is doing well on her oxygen levels so this leads me to believe that we are moving forward. Her blood sugar is still up where it should be and so they are lowering the amount of glucose (sugar) in her IV fluids. Overall, Ella continues to improve, just pray for infection to stay away and her lungs to improve with the medicine. Here is a picture of my fingers and Ella's hand while Aaron was doing kangaroo care.
Ella is looking like a big girl now with more personality in her features. The nurses have commented that she has my mouth (usually they say this when she has it open hahaha) and Aaron thinks she has his nose. For the parents of a preemie this is a heart pulling time because it has taken her 6 weeks to reach the point where she looks like a baby instead of a wrinkled preemie. Yeah! Thank you Lord for the answers to prayer that we have already seen.
Monday, October 27, 2008
1 pound 8 ounces
Ella weighs 1 pound 8 ounces today...680 grams. Everyday she seems to be getting bigger, and her features are more like little girl instead of preemie. She is doing well on her oxygen and the settings were lowered today so pray that her lungs will get even stronger...I can't wait until she is off the nasal canula.
Continue to pray that infection stays away as well as for her digestive system to get even stronger for more weight gain : )
Continue to pray that infection stays away as well as for her digestive system to get even stronger for more weight gain : )
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Right hand
I have avoided a subject in the blog that is getting to the point where I can't ignore it, and that is Ella's right hand. As you know, if you have been reading this blog, that Ella's right hand was damaged by the IV line (or something related to it) and it has slowly died. At first, it was a devistating loss for a miracle girl like Ella, but during my prayer time I feel like God let me know that we are to raise her to be a strong independent woman that doesn't let the loss of her hand bother her or stop her from doing everything she wants to do. Looking at her future I can see her speaking to children about what they can do if they have a set back like her hand. I'm sure that Ella will be a beautiful girl that will attract people by her big personality, strong spirit, and loving heart. We have no doubt that she will accomplish everything she wants to....who knows maybe she will become a neonatologist and heal small babies like her.
I tell the story of her hand today because when the time comes it will come off by itself and will not require surgery. From the looks of her hand now, the time may be soon and we would like your prayers for it. Pray for her protection from infection, for Aaron and I because that may be a trying time, and that it will happen without pain to her. Thank you for all the love and support during Ella's time in the hospital and for the love that she will receive when she gets to come home.
I tell the story of her hand today because when the time comes it will come off by itself and will not require surgery. From the looks of her hand now, the time may be soon and we would like your prayers for it. Pray for her protection from infection, for Aaron and I because that may be a trying time, and that it will happen without pain to her. Thank you for all the love and support during Ella's time in the hospital and for the love that she will receive when she gets to come home.
620 grams
Ella has gained 10 grams...since she was born at 395 grams 620 grams is still equals 1 pound 6 ounces but we'll take it. Her blood sugar is doing so well they are going to lower the amount of sugar that is in her IV and her blood gas test was textbook this morning : ) this tests the oxygen, ph balance, and carbon dioxide in the blood. Her lungs seem to be improving since she is only needing from 21 - 25% oxygen and we breath 21% oxygen normally in the air. This is a step forward and hopefully they will be able to lower the liters per minute from 4 to 3 and move toward breathing on her own...yipee!!
Overall, Ella continues to improve...pray for infection to stay away, her lungs to improve even more, and her bowels to stay clear.
Overall, Ella continues to improve...pray for infection to stay away, her lungs to improve even more, and her bowels to stay clear.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Daddy care
Aaron got to come to San Antonio on his days off and I let him do kangaroo care since he hadn't held Ella yet. She seemed to enjoy time with Daddy and I think her role is solidly set at Daddy's little girl. Overall, she is doing well, still a hungry little girl and back up to 1 pound 6 ounces. Continue to pray for her lungs since we want them to get strong and pray that she starts gaining weight.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Back in San Antonio
After an overnight visit to Victoria, we have traveled back to San Antonio. Ella is back at 1 pound 5 ounces or 600 grams if you like the metric system. This is normal for preemies to go back and forth for a bit but I'm ready for her to gain weight. Her lungs look good but they are not ready to lower her oxygen yet because they are not quite where they need to be yet for them to do that. She is up to 11 cc of milk per feeding now and handling it well...yipee!! We expect her weight to shoot up at any moment : )
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Victoria bound
After a week and a half of being in San Antonio by myself, I made a trip to Victoria for an overnight visit. I come to the point after staying by Ella's bed for a week or so where I lose myself and need to recharge. Being by her bed everyday and realizing that she may not come home for another 3 months can be very trying at times and I'm sure every parent that has had a sick child will tell you that there are times when you have to reset. Even the people at the hospital were telling me that I didn't seem like myself, but I am now feeling much better. I went to my church last night and saw my church family and they shared love and hope with me that you can only get in person. It also recharged me to know that even though Ella is a month old they have not forgotten her struggle and are still lifting her up in prayer.
This morning I spoke to the students at my school and it gave me hope seeing them and getting their hugs and hearing them say they are still praying for us. Ella still has a road ahead of her but that road is easier knowing that so many are praying and loving us even if it is from afar.
I got an update from the hospital this morning and our little super girl is doing fact, she weighs 1 POUND 6 OUNCES!!! YEAH!! Her sugar levels are also good and she continues to eat and poop. hahaha
Pray for her hand because it seems to be close to the end and we don't want any infection. Also, continue to pray for her lungs (I can't wait for her cries) and liver. Thank you to everyone who is praying and loving, we couldn't make it down this road without your support.
We love you, Aaron, Christy and little Ella (she may be small but she's a fighter)
This morning I spoke to the students at my school and it gave me hope seeing them and getting their hugs and hearing them say they are still praying for us. Ella still has a road ahead of her but that road is easier knowing that so many are praying and loving us even if it is from afar.
I got an update from the hospital this morning and our little super girl is doing fact, she weighs 1 POUND 6 OUNCES!!! YEAH!! Her sugar levels are also good and she continues to eat and poop. hahaha
Pray for her hand because it seems to be close to the end and we don't want any infection. Also, continue to pray for her lungs (I can't wait for her cries) and liver. Thank you to everyone who is praying and loving, we couldn't make it down this road without your support.
We love you, Aaron, Christy and little Ella (she may be small but she's a fighter)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Another day in the Nicu
Still 1 pound 4 ounces, but each day brings hope that she will gain more weight. Her levels are good and at this point she just needs to grow. Pray for Ella to get stronger in all areas as well as to grow.
I found out today that Ella will probably be in the hospital at least another 3 months so we will see 2009 before she gets to come home. The reason for her lengthy stay is her size. She needs to gain weight and grow but just like grown-ups it is dangerous for it to happen too quickly. She has been in the hospital for 5 weeks, pray for Aaron and I because at times the enormity of it all becomes overwhelming.
I found out today that Ella will probably be in the hospital at least another 3 months so we will see 2009 before she gets to come home. The reason for her lengthy stay is her size. She needs to gain weight and grow but just like grown-ups it is dangerous for it to happen too quickly. She has been in the hospital for 5 weeks, pray for Aaron and I because at times the enormity of it all becomes overwhelming.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Monday morning
Ella is doing well today. She is still tolerating her feeds well and in fact she gets fussy when it is time for her to eat again. Her liver seems to be improving but continue to pray for it because we want it to be healthy and strong. Her bowels are doing well and since she is eating it doesn't seem to be an issue. Her sugar levels have been low so they are monitoring them and adding glucose to her IV fluids (they have to run fluids through the IV to keep it viable).
Continue to pray for her feedings, as well as her sugar levels.
Continue to pray for her feedings, as well as her sugar levels.
Welcome Back 2
Saturday, October 18, 2008
More food
Ella's feedings have been increased again...yipee!! She is now getting 9 ml of milk every two hours and then they vent her tummy for an hour and start the milk again(this helps the air escape instead of going into her bowels). They have increased the medicine for her lungs because they want them to improve faster and also her sugar level was low because they stopped the IV nutrition and the same medicine helps with that as well. Overall, she is doing well just continue to pray for her lungs and bowels.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Kangaroo care
Here in the Nicu when a baby is stable, parents are able to hold them using kangaroo care which is skin to skin contact like a momma kangaroo and her joey : ) This technique was discovered in South America out of necessity, since it was a poor area and they were unable to provide incubators for all the preemies. The mothers served as living incubators holding the babies against their skin and they found that the babies using kangaroo care went home faster and were healthier than the babies in the incubators. The mother's body will actually heat up when it senses the baby getting cold.
I get to hold Ella using kangaroo care once a day and the effects for the both of us are amazing. While I am holding her she sleeps soundly and the smile never leaves my face. I like to think that I am doing my part to get her healthy. She is off the IV nutrition today and is continueing to do well on her feeds.
Pray for Ella's lungs that they will get stronger and for her bowels to continue to improve.
I get to hold Ella using kangaroo care once a day and the effects for the both of us are amazing. While I am holding her she sleeps soundly and the smile never leaves my face. I like to think that I am doing my part to get her healthy. She is off the IV nutrition today and is continueing to do well on her feeds.
Pray for Ella's lungs that they will get stronger and for her bowels to continue to improve.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Pacifier magic
I put a picture of Ella's passy next to my watch but I don't think it is an accurate display of how big it is on her so here is another picture to show you. The marks on her back and side are the glue from her surgery so no need to panic.
We have discovered that Ella's passy is magic. Whenever we put it in her mouth it causes her to breath better. When her mouth is closed, she breaths the oxygen from her nasal canula and it calms her as well. I'm sure some of the parents out there understand pacifier magic but to me it is a blessing because the nurses have said that it usually causes the opposite effect by causing them to forget to breath. God knew that I needed a bit of pacifier magic...thank you Father for a way to comfort our little girl.
1 Pound 3 ounces
We have reached a milestone today - Ella weighs 1 pound and 3 ounces or 550 grams to all of you who are in metric land. You may be thinking that I have lost my mind (which is possible)since I am celebrating an ounce but to everyone that has been following this blog you know that small steps in the NICU are a reason to celebrate. They have increased her feeds again and she is up to 6 ml every 3 hours - this is fabulous since she started at .3 : )
Ella's lungs look better today, but they are going to continue the medicine and see how they look tomorrow. Her bowels are still large but her girth (measurement of her tummy) is smaller and everything is moving well so they are going to continue watching.
Pray for Ella to gain more weight, lungs to continue improving, and the bowels to clear. Also, pray for me because I am solo right now since everyone had to go back home to work and attend to things there.
Ella's lungs look better today, but they are going to continue the medicine and see how they look tomorrow. Her bowels are still large but her girth (measurement of her tummy) is smaller and everything is moving well so they are going to continue watching.
Pray for Ella to gain more weight, lungs to continue improving, and the bowels to clear. Also, pray for me because I am solo right now since everyone had to go back home to work and attend to things there.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Extra calories
They have increased Ella's feedings again and are also going to add some calories because she is still 1 pound 2 ounces and our little girl needs to be a big girl. Her lungs are still not looking good so they are going to start her on some medicine to strengthen them, pray that it works and her lungs mature.
Ella is a month old today which means she has been in the hospital for 4 weeks with probably 2 more months to go. I can do all things through Christ that strenghtens me. : )
Ella is a month old today which means she has been in the hospital for 4 weeks with probably 2 more months to go. I can do all things through Christ that strenghtens me. : )
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Princess Ella
Every nurse that works our corner of the NICU always has to deal with - Princess Ella. She is quite a drama queen already (I think she gets it from me) they have to adjust her oxygen all day because she goes high then low, high then low...etc, etc. also, she throws a fit whenever they have to do their assessments. She likes to be dramatic and I say whatever it takes for her to be strong.
They have increased her feedings again today (great!)and are still watching her lungs. They are the same today, but her lab work which measures the oxygen in her blood looked really good.
Pray for her lungs to continue to improve, her feedings to go well, and her liver function to improve.
Welcome back
Monday, October 13, 2008
Love from San Antonio
The x-ray of Ella's bowels look better this morning, so they have increased her feedings and pray that they will continue to improve. The x-rays also showed that her lungs were a little cloudy (too much moisture) and they are keeping an eye on them for now.
Overall, it was a stressful weekend for the Jeson household, but we gain strength from all the prayers and love that you guys give so we are sending love back to you. Right now as I write this, Ella is sleeping soundly after sucking on her pacifier 4 times and then spitting it out, so I thought you guys might like a picture of the passy. : )
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Feedings today
They have started Ella on milk again, just a small amount to see how she handles it, because her bowels look better this morning. Yipee! They are still going to closely monitor her intestines with x-rays and continue the antibiotics just to watch for any infection. For now we are hopeful that the feedings will continue and they can up the dose everyday : )
The IV in her foot was taken out yesterday because it wasn't viable anymore. Her leg and foot look really good today and we will just continue to monitor it. Overall, this is an up day and after the several down days we have had this week, it is a welcome change! Pray for Ella to do well on the feedings and for her bowels to continue to improve and her liver function to get better.
The IV in her foot was taken out yesterday because it wasn't viable anymore. Her leg and foot look really good today and we will just continue to monitor it. Overall, this is an up day and after the several down days we have had this week, it is a welcome change! Pray for Ella to do well on the feedings and for her bowels to continue to improve and her liver function to get better.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Nervous Mom
This morning when I arrived at the hospital they were trying to start an IV on Ella and needless to say it sent me into a panic. Since Ella's hand was damaged I tend to get protective when they need to do any procedure. The new IV is in her foot so please pray for her foot that it will be protected. (and for me that I get my peace back)
Ella's bowels are still full of air and they are keeping her off the milk, giving her antibiotics, and watching it closely for signs of infection. Pray that the bowels clear up and that the liver continues to function properly because they are still unsure about it.
Ella's bowels are still full of air and they are keeping her off the milk, giving her antibiotics, and watching it closely for signs of infection. Pray that the bowels clear up and that the liver continues to function properly because they are still unsure about it.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Ups and Downs
Ella had a preemie night last night. That is to say she had a bad night, but this is one of those things they said you have to watch for with and downs. Her stomach is very large (full of air and fluid) so they had to stop her feedings for a couple of days and they are trying to get everything out of it. She is also on more oxygen than she has been before and they are hoping if this is the start of an infection that they caught it early.
Ella has been very restless and upset today and this in turn makes her mom restless and upset. Pray for her stomach, that it will go back to normal, her oxygen to return to normal, that any infection will leave her body, and also for her to rest and have peace.
Ella has been very restless and upset today and this in turn makes her mom restless and upset. Pray for her stomach, that it will go back to normal, her oxygen to return to normal, that any infection will leave her body, and also for her to rest and have peace.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Oh Happy Day!!
I GOT TO HOLD ELLA TODAY!! This statement makes me want to run around handing out flowers and balloons. I imagined that this is what it would feel like to carry your baby full term and have the doctor hand you your baby in the delivery rooom. Instead of this feeling, I had to watch my daughter be placed on a ventilator and rolled down the hall to be flown to San Antonio.
In the three weeks that Ella has been here at Methodist we have felt a full range of emotions and I have to say that today has been my favorite emotion. Being a parent for the first time and getting to hold your child in your arms is one for the record books. Let it be known that Christy Jeson got to hold her daughter today and will never be the same again.
Red letter day
We have reached many milestones today which makes this a red letter day. Ella weighs 1 pound and 2 ounces!!! That may not seem like much but it means that she is gaining weight the right way with milk instead of swelling. Also, they have stopped the IV nutrition which is also another great sign that she is getting her nutrition from the milk and is tolerating it well. The blood tests came back and her bilirubin is lower - her liver is getting even healthier!!
Ella is 3 weeks old and we might get to hold her today...we'll add a picture if we do!!
Ella is 3 weeks old and we might get to hold her today...we'll add a picture if we do!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Ella the Great
Another day, another good report. Ella continues to improve and her feedings have increased once again. Dr. DeYoung thinks that Ella will be on full feedings very soon and will stop the IV nutrition tomorrow or Friday...Yipee!! This is very good news for her liver because the IV nutrition is helpful but not as good as the milk.
Pray for her broviach IV line because Dr. DeYoung said that infection from the site would be devasting for Ella.
Pray for her broviach IV line because Dr. DeYoung said that infection from the site would be devasting for Ella.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Good times in San Antonio
Ella is doing good on the nasal canula which is the last step before she is breathing on her own. They have increased her feedings again and lowered her IV fluids which is a sign of good times! They are going to run a dopler scan on her right arm and hand tomorrow to see where the blood flow is and if it continues like last week it will show good flow in the forearm. Overall a good day for our fighter!
Here is a picture of the nasal canula.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Happy face
Today marks another milestone for little girl Ella, she is on a nasal canula (oxygen tube that goes in the nostrils). This is big for her since it means that she is breathing on her own but just needs a little oxygen. Yipee!! Also, they have increased her feedings yet again - AWESOME!
Pray for Ella to be clear of any infections since this is a danger to preemies, also pray that her liver continues to improve.
Pray for Ella to be clear of any infections since this is a danger to preemies, also pray that her liver continues to improve.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Good times are here again!
Each day is bringing more improvements to our superhero girl Ella. They have taken her off the automatic breaths with her breathing machine in preparation for putting her on the oxygen that is just in her nostrils. This is a very exciting step for us because it means we will get to hold her soon!!
Life in San Antonio is good but I do miss home. We were watching our church service this morning online and I have to admit that it made me very homesick. Sometimes I let myself have a thought of what it will be like when we get to go home with Ella and it always brings a smile to think of everyone's response to our baby girl, but for now I am content to watch her improve everyday.
The picture is Aaron and I on a date, the first night we have really gotten away and acted like normal people instead of just the parents of a preemie. (I actually put on lipstick)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Moving Forward
Each day brings us more hope and closer to the day when Ella can be home with us. She is doing great being off the ventilator and is on continuous feedings which she is handling better but still has some residual milk back every two hours. The hand surgeon says that her arm is doing better (looks like her hand was without blood flow too long and will not be saved) and the medicine that she is on for her right hand and arm is improving the circulation. All in all a good day for our little girl...she weighs 1 pound still.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Good Morning World!
Ella continues to improve, her feedings are going well with the poop still coming.hahaha Also, her liver is improving and Dr. DeYoung is not as worried about it now. Yipee! She has now been off the ventilator 4 days and unless she has a major set back will be off it for good.
My blood pressure is doing much better thank you for the prayers.
Blessings to Formosa
Aaron works at Formosa Plastics as a Chemical Operator and all his friends and co-workers got together and raised money for us and Ella and we want to shout out our thanks to them for their generosity! Blessings to everyone at Formosa! Ya'll are awesome!
New Friends
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Keep on truckin'
Ella is continuing to improve...Dr. DeYoung is excited about the improvements to her liver. He is stopping her feedings for a few hours because she has a follow up on her liver test today, but she has also been spitting up quite a bit so he will start her on continuous feedings to help prevent the spitting up. Dr. DeYoung has become a friend here at the hospital and I have been praying that God would bless him and his family for the strength and friendship he has shone Ella and us. Once again this is an example of how God gives you rainbows when there is rain.
This is a picture of Dr. DeYoung but make sure you don't tell him he looks young. : ) just an inside joke...I have found my joy in the midst of sorrow.
Continue to pray for Ella's digestion and liver. My love to everyone...we can't wait to come home WITH ELLA!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Small Victories
Today is Ella's two week birthday and she has been off the respirator for 48 hours!! YEAH! They started a new medicine for her hand yesterday and it might just be my imagination but I think it is improving (whatever function she can get back is alright with me).
Also, she is taking the milk and pooping! This might seem strange to some of you, but when your child's life depends on her intestines working you throw a party for poop. We started praying a blessing over her milk every time they did a feeding and I don't think coincidence has anything to do with the is God's blessing in her life.
Pray for the continued digestion of milk and for the test today on her liver that is shows a healthy connection. Also, pray for me because my blood pressure has been elevated and there is not much I can do about my stress levels.
Also, she is taking the milk and pooping! This might seem strange to some of you, but when your child's life depends on her intestines working you throw a party for poop. We started praying a blessing over her milk every time they did a feeding and I don't think coincidence has anything to do with the is God's blessing in her life.
Pray for the continued digestion of milk and for the test today on her liver that is shows a healthy connection. Also, pray for me because my blood pressure has been elevated and there is not much I can do about my stress levels.
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