Our girl Ella is still truckin' along. She is at 1 pound 7 ounces, which is good because she jumped up so fast to 1 pound 8 ounces that we suspected it was water weight, and we want good calories. They have started her on medicine for her lungs which should clear the fluid so they will get stronger. She is doing well on her oxygen levels so this leads me to believe that we are moving forward. Her blood sugar is still up where it should be and so they are lowering the amount of glucose (sugar) in her IV fluids. Overall, Ella continues to improve, just pray for infection to stay away and her lungs to improve with the medicine. Here is a picture of my fingers and Ella's hand while Aaron was doing kangaroo care.
Ella is looking like a big girl now with more personality in her features. The nurses have commented that she has my mouth (usually they say this when she has it open hahaha) and Aaron thinks she has his nose. For the parents of a preemie this is a heart pulling time because it has taken her 6 weeks to reach the point where she looks like a baby instead of a wrinkled preemie. Yeah! Thank you Lord for the answers to prayer that we have already seen.
I loved seeing the pic of Aaron & Ella. Its just something about daddy's and their children that is so special. We are praying for your family. Our son Zachary prayers for Baby Ella every night.
Take care and stay strong - she'll be home with you soon.
It's so wonderful to see the progress that Baby Ella is making everyday. We have kept you and Aaron and Baby Ella in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong and your pretty princess will be home soon.
Nicole and Ryan
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