Saturday, October 11, 2008

Nervous Mom

This morning when I arrived at the hospital they were trying to start an IV on Ella and needless to say it sent me into a panic. Since Ella's hand was damaged I tend to get protective when they need to do any procedure. The new IV is in her foot so please pray for her foot that it will be protected. (and for me that I get my peace back)

Ella's bowels are still full of air and they are keeping her off the milk, giving her antibiotics, and watching it closely for signs of infection. Pray that the bowels clear up and that the liver continues to function properly because they are still unsure about it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When to see you today just to let you know we are praying for you and your family. I am Rachelle from FFC choir. I was in SA to visit Cecilia, she used to attend FFC when she was living in Victoria. She and her husband now live in SA. If you need anything she is here in town. She left you here number there at the hospital. Hope Ella will enjoy the Lamb. God remember every Lamb! Our thoughts and prayers are with you.