Each day is bringing more improvements to our superhero girl Ella. They have taken her off the automatic breaths with her breathing machine in preparation for putting her on the oxygen that is just in her nostrils. This is a very exciting step for us because it means we will get to hold her soon!!
Life in San Antonio is good but I do miss home. We were watching our church service this morning online and I have to admit that it made me very homesick. Sometimes I let myself have a thought of what it will be like when we get to go home with Ella and it always brings a smile to think of everyone's response to our baby girl, but for now I am content to watch her improve everyday.
The picture is Aaron and I on a date, the first night we have really gotten away and acted like normal people instead of just the parents of a preemie. (I actually put on lipstick)
Christy this is Deanna, if you have a minute could you lett me know your address to where you are right now. I love you!
Christina Rose and Aaron,
I've been following from afar, but have officially joined the Ella crowd.
Praise the Lord for continued healing in your baby girl.
Love you both!
Portia La'Vone
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