After a week and a half of being in San Antonio by myself, I made a trip to Victoria for an overnight visit. I come to the point after staying by Ella's bed for a week or so where I lose myself and need to recharge. Being by her bed everyday and realizing that she may not come home for another 3 months can be very trying at times and I'm sure every parent that has had a sick child will tell you that there are times when you have to reset. Even the people at the hospital were telling me that I didn't seem like myself, but I am now feeling much better. I went to my church last night and saw my church family and they shared love and hope with me that you can only get in person. It also recharged me to know that even though Ella is a month old they have not forgotten her struggle and are still lifting her up in prayer.
This morning I spoke to the students at my school and it gave me hope seeing them and getting their hugs and hearing them say they are still praying for us. Ella still has a road ahead of her but that road is easier knowing that so many are praying and loving us even if it is from afar.
I got an update from the hospital this morning and our little super girl is doing fact, she weighs 1 POUND 6 OUNCES!!! YEAH!! Her sugar levels are also good and she continues to eat and poop. hahaha
Pray for her hand because it seems to be close to the end and we don't want any infection. Also, continue to pray for her lungs (I can't wait for her cries) and liver. Thank you to everyone who is praying and loving, we couldn't make it down this road without your support.
We love you, Aaron, Christy and little Ella (she may be small but she's a fighter)